
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Free Christmas Cards!!

Shutterfly is offering 50 free Christmas cards if you blog about them!  Amazing, right????  All you have to do is go to and pick out some of your favorites.  Then go here and fill in the form.  It's that simple!!  Now to find the perfect pictures to use!!!

Here's a few of my favorite:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Football and birthdays

So football season is well underway now...and I gotta say that I am super disappointed in my Vols this year.  I know they are a young and inexperienced team, and we have a new coach, but my gosh.  It's bad.  Yesterday's loss to Florida was a tough one, especially since I HATE FLORIDA so much!  Jarrod was happy yesterday though because Georgia Tech beat UNC, 30-24.
However, high school football is going really well.  Adairsville Tigers won big Friday night over East Hall, which was out in the middle of nowhere and took forever to get to.  It was worth it though since our boys won!  Little brother gets to play October 1, which is the homecoming game and the weekend of our festival, The Great Locomotive Chase Festival.  Fun times ahead!
Speaking of little brother, he had his 15th birthday party last night.  We had a great time and I got to see several of my former students...I love those guys so much!  I got thrown in the pool though, which I should've known would happen around all those boys!

The boys and Kayla

 Brother's birthday brownie (not cake)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fall is in the air...

So I take it by spells...I'll blog for awhile and then I stop for awhile.  Maybe someday soon I'll decide to either blog consistently or just quit altogether.  We'll see I guess :)
This has been an amazing weekend.  Friday night was a great night for high school football.  The weather was cooler than it has been the last few weeks.  Although AHS lost the game, they played hard.  I'm looking forward to my "lil bro" getting to play soon.
Saturday morning was absolutely beautiful.  I got up early with the intention of going to some garage sales but couldn't find any good ones.  Saturday afternoon and evening was spent watching college football.  For me, that is how you truly know that fall has arrived...when you hear the words "It's football time in TENNESSEE!!!!"
Hubby and I had a day date yesterday.  We went to Borders and Costco, had a great lunch at On The Border, then hit up Target and Petsmart.  Harley got a new pumpkin toy and a new squirrel toy...she was quite happy!
I got up early this morning and I'm glad.  While I would love to sleep in on my Monday morning off, I'm glad that I chose to get up early for some "me" time...curled up in a blanket on the couch with a cool breeze blowing through the window, with a cup of coffee and my laptop.  Good stuff :)  It's a little after 9:00 am and I have already put away some laundry and got 2 loads washed and dried.  That is an accomplishment for sure!
Hope everyone has enjoyed this beautiful Labor Day weekend!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Heard it in a love song...

Do you ever hear music on the radio that totally speaks to you?  For me, it happens all the time.  I can relate almost any song to a certain situation in my life.  Lots of times, it has something to do with love.  There are several people in my life that I truly love...maybe they know it, maybe they don't, and maybe they don't care.  I just felt like sharing some of the lyrics that cause an emotional disturbance in me, for one reason or another.

Joey by Sugarland

What if I said no?
What if we never fell in love?
What if we'd gone slow, or a little bit faster and broken up?
Would I know this hurt?
Would I feel this pain?
Do you know that with all I have left in my very last breath I will call your name?
Joey, I'm so sorry.

Breakdown by Seether

And I'm the one you can never trust
'cause wounds are ways to reveal us
And yeah I could have tried and devoted my life to both of us
But what a waste of my time when the world we have is yours

So break me down if it makes you feel right
And hate me now if it keeps you alright
You can break me down if it takes all your might
'cause I'm so much more than meets the eye.

Already Gone by Sugarland (yeah I know...a lot of Sugarland)

 They say the first time won't ever last
But that didn't stop me the first time he laughed
All my friends tried to warn me the day that we met
"Girl, don't you lost your heart yet"
But his dark eyes dared me with danger
And sparks fly like flame to a paper
Fire in his touch burning me up, but still I held on...

'cause I was already gone.

By the way...the title to this post is also a really good song by Marshall Tucker Band :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Throwback Thursday

Jarrod and me in Ellijay...fall 2006.

Crazy times...

Well, things are work are slightly crazy.  With all of the budget cuts and all of that, people's emotions are running high and rumors are out in full force.  It's so sad to see people losing their jobs.  I experienced that first hand last year and I can fully sympathize with these people.  I was fortunate in my situation though...I was able to go to another school and ultimately be placed back at AMS.  Just praying that my friends and I are all able to keep our jobs.
So I watched my boys play their last baseball game today...for the championship.  Sadly, they lost 5-3 but they had an awesome season.  I'm blessed with some awesome students this year, and they are some pretty talented athletes.  I've enjoyed watching them in various sports this year.
Jarrod and I are going to our first Rome Braves game of the season tomorrow night...yay!  We really got into those games last year, and it's fairly cheap entertainment.  Tomorrow is the first home game of the season and we are looking forward to a summer full of baseball games, ball park food, and a beer or two :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Throwback Thursday

Jarrod and me at Panama City Beach...September 2006

Monday, April 5, 2010

Surgery sucks

I realize it has been a couple months since my last post.  I've been pretty sick off and on during this time, and two weeks ago I finally got the gallbladder decided to crap out on me.  So I had it removed on Good Friday...what a way to start Spring Break!
My parents came down the night before to be with Jarrod and me at the hospital at 6:30 Friday morning.  I was nervous because it was my first surgery, but I managed to stay pretty calm through it all.  The surgery went well, but I wasn't allowed to go home until I could pee...and I couldn't!  That took forever, but I was finally released a little after 4:00 that afternoon.  I've been doing well... I took my bandages off yesterday and my incisions look good.  I'm hoping this soreness will subside enough that I can enjoy the last part of my Spring Break.
I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful weather.  It is so nice outside!!
Things I'm looking forward to:
1) Enjoying my spring break!
2) Date night with my husband to go see the movie Date Night!
3) School ending in 7 weeks!
4) Beach trip May 29- June 4!!!!  Really looking forward to putting my toes in the sand soon!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentine's Day Weekend

Jarrod and I had a wonderful Valentine's Day...with a couple of small exceptions.  I was on Winter Break from work Friday and Monday, so on Friday I packed our things and waited for Jarrod to finish work.  Well, at lunch time he decided the truck needed new tires.  Around this same time, it started to snow...and man did it snow!  So by the time we were FINALLY ready to go to my parents house in Tennessee, it was almost 6:00 pm and the roads were not in good shape.  But thankfully, we made it to my parents house around 9:00 Friday night.  Saturday morning we were able to get to Gatlinburg around 10:30 and check into our cabin early.  It was so beautiful with all of the snow!  We had a creek running right in front of the cabin, so we had to walk down to it with the Harley dog so she could check it out :).  I had been feeling a little queasy off and on most of Saturday, but was looking forward to dinner with the hubby in town that night.  Well...that didn't go as planned.  All during dinner I felt terrible, with horrible stomach pains.  I couldn't even finish dinner...we had to leave.  It took a long time to get back to our cabin due to traffic and the fact that the cabin was almost 10 miles outside Gatlinburg.  I spent the rest of Saturday night sick and in pain.  It was awful!!!  I finally fell asleep around 3:00 am and by the time I woke up around 7:00, I felt about 80% better.  What a night!!!
Sunday was a much better day.  We went to breakfast and I was able to keep down some food.  We went to our favorite place in Pigeon Forge...the Book Warehouse...and spent an hour searching through all the great books.  We then headed back to Gatlinburg and spent the rest of the morning walking around.  We got some great buffalo jerky at The Jerky Store, I got some ice cream at Ben & Jerry's, and Jarrod bought some cards at a magic shop. 
We spent the rest of the day at our cabin.  We sat in the hot tub, napped, watched TV, read, and played pool.  Jarrod grilled hamburgers in the snow!  After dinner we sat in the hot tub again, then came in to sit by the fire before bedtime.
It began snowing early Monday morning, and since we were nervous about the roads, we headed home around 7:45 that morning.  Other than the horrible sickness, we had a wonderful, relaxing weekend...just us and our Harley dog :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Throwback Thursday

In celebration of our Valentines Day trip to Gatlinburg, I decided that I would post a pic from a previous trip for Throwback Thursday.  This was taken during a trip to Pigeon Forge in May 2007.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What did we do before computers?!?

So I have been without my computer for 5 days!  That is wayyyyy too long.  Jarrod was away on a business trip this week and as soon as he leaves, my computer dies.  That figures.  So today, he fixed it.  In like 20 minutes.  He is so smart!

We have another busy week ahead of us.  I have an important day at work tomorrow and then we have Parent Conferences from 4-8 on Tuesday night.  Jarrod is leaving on Tuesday for another business trip...this time to Louisville, KY.  Fortunately he will only be gone one night.  Thankfully I only have a four day week!  We have winter break on Friday and Monday (and maybe Tuesday if we get furloughed), and I am so excited because we are going to Gatlinburg!  I can't wait...a weekend in the mountains in a cozy cabin with a hot relaxing!

Well, gotta get ready for the Super Bowl.  GO COLTS!!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Another week...

Well, another week is here.  This one looks to be a busy one for both of us.  I have several meetings at work this week...mostly IEP meetings.  Fortunately I only have 8 days of work left until Winter Break, and a weekend trip to Gatlinburg :)
Jarrod is traveling this week.  He flies to Syracuse, NY on Wednesday, and will be traveling between there and Boston through Friday before flying home that night.  I'm not sure what to do with myself without him here in the evenings...I think it will remind me of our dating days, with him in Cartersville and me in Duluth.  We never saw each other during the week then.  That seems like a long time ago!
I had a good weekend.  I went to Buckhead and did some shopping.  I got a nice leather wallet at Filene's Basement for $10!!!  I also met up with my friend Tracy to see When in Rome.  Cute movie, but fairly predictable.
Well I hope everyone has a great week...4 days until the weekend!!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Throwback Thursday

It's time for another Throwback Thursday!!

Jarrod and me...July 2006

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So it is no secret that I am trying to get pregnant.  I visited a new doctor almost three weeks ago, and he has placed me on some different medications to try to kickstart my body into working correctly.  I finished round one of my meds and started round two yesterday.  I thought I had some kind of stomach virus Sunday night, but I'm starting to think that it might just be all the meds I'm on, coupled with the stress of all the upcoming stuff at work.  I feel better than I did, but I still don't feel 100% well.  I've had a bad headache every evening for the last three evenings, and I'm very moody.  Ugh...let's hope these meds work the first time and I don't have to take anymore.
In the long run...if all of this leads to a pregnancy, then it was totally worth it :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Contain yourself

I have discovered a new favorite store...The Container Store! Today I decided to head to Atlanta and visit Ikea, since I haven't been since before Christmas. Afterward I headed to Buckhead and went to Lenox Mall. Oh how I wish I had a ton of money...I found so much stuff that I wanted! I did get new dishtowels at Williams-Sonoma and some Barefoot Contessa cupcake mix at Crate & Barrel...can't wait to try that out!
Then, I decided I wanted Carribou Coffee. Once there I discovered The Container Store right next door. I've heard of The Container Store but had never been to one. I've been missing out! I got two new trash cans for the bathrooms, and a small recycling container for the kitchen. I could have spent so much more...I found some really awesome stuff!

After a stop at Whole Foods for some groceries, I headed home to fix dinner for Jarrod and me. I look forward to enjoying the rest of my always goes by so fast.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Throwback Thursday

I've decided to make Thursdays "throwback" days. I know other people that do something similar and I think it's cool. This is a picture of Jarrod and me on our first trip to Stone Mountain Park to watch the Laser Show. The date on this is April 2006, so this would have been very early in our dating. It's not a great pic of skin looks awful! But...we were both so much thinner!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

8 Things

Borrowed from Sarah's blog...

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Movie Reward trip with my students on Friday
2. The Biggest Loser coming on in 37 minutes :)
3. Going to the beach in May
4. Our Valentine's Day weekend in Gatlinburg!
5. My meds working so that I can get pregnant soon!
6. Spring Break/Summer
7. Going to see Fiddler on the Roof in March at the Cobb Energy Centre
8. My sister and Aaron visiting in March

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Ate at Panera Bread
2. Went to Kroger for groceries
3. Made yummy homemade mac-n-cheese and shared with my friend Susan
4. Cleaned the bathroom and did a bunch of laundry
5. Made an awesome dinner for my hubby
6. Took a relaxing bath in my jetted tub
7. Watched two episodes of Hoarders
8. Made a fruit smoothie with Strawberries, Mangoes, and Bananas

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Lose 40 pounds
2. Get out of debt completely
3. Get pregnant
4. Go back to school for my masters degree
5. Get pregnant!
6. Completely enjoy my job, all the time
7. Wear fun clothes...I always look the same
8. Go on a long vacation, to somewhere warm, with my hubby

8 Shows I enjoy:
1. Top Chef
2. The Biggest Loser
3. Family Guy
4. The Next Food Network Star
5. Flipping Out
6. Hoarders
7. Two and a Half Men
8. Grey's Anatomy!!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fun Weekend!

I had a great weekend. First of all, it was great because I didn't have to work today, giving me a wonderful 3 day weekend! Friday after work I went to the outlet mall and scored a nice pair of pants from Ralph Lauren for $30...what a way to start a weekend! Then Jarrod and I went to dinner at Tokyo and had some yummy sushi in celebration of our 4 year dating anniversary. All was well until about 4am Saturday when Jarrod's sushi made a return appearance :( Fortunately, by noon he was feeling better.
Saturday evening we went to Kennesaw with our friends Stephen and Tracy. We had a great time at Joe's Crab Shack! Then we went to Borders and spent a lazy hour checking out all of the awesome books. I got a Campbell's Soup cookbook for $6! Afterward we headed back to Cartersville and had a few drinks at the Cigar Bar. I love going there but I hate the way I smell afterward! My hair reeked for the rest of the weekend!
Sunday Jarrod and I had a relaxing breakfast at Panera Bread (our favorite). Jarrod got a haircut, and then I headed to the movies with Tracy to see It's Complicated. I had already seen it, but it was just as good the second time. I would kill for Meryl Streep's house in that movie!
After a trip to Costco where I spent way too much money, Jarrod and I spent the rest of Sunday in front of the TV.
Monday morning came and Jarrod had to go to work...leaving me in bed for one more hour of sleep :) I grocery shopped, then spent the rest of the day cleaning the house and doing laundry. After a relaxing bath, I'm writing this blog and then headed to bed. It's back to work tomorrow...but thank you Lord for four day weeks!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Whole Foods!

I get excited about grocery shopping, which I know is a little weird. Most people loathe going to the grocery store, and my idea about it may change after I have kids...but right now I love it! I especially love it when I get to go to Whole Foods. It's the best store ever. I have to drive all the way to Marietta (over an hour away) but it is so worth it. I love looking at all of the different varieties of foods and buying organically, which is always better. So, I am excited about today's trip to Whole Foods!
Also on today's agenda...Target, Costco, and Macy's. Maybe Borders in there somewhere. Happy Sunday!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day 2010!

Today is a snow day! Jarrod and I are both home from work today and we had a chance to go out with the Harley dog to play in the snow. She isn't a huge fan of the snow, but Maggie the cat loves it! She keeps going outside and walking around in the back yard!
We braved the roads this morning to go to Cracker Barrel for a yummy breakfast. We were seated near the fireplace (which I love) and I think that inspired Jarrod to build our first fire in our fireplace at home. We are enjoying a lazy day at home with a fire in the fireplace and homemade vegetable soup in the Crock Pot :)