
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Crazy times...

Well, things are work are slightly crazy.  With all of the budget cuts and all of that, people's emotions are running high and rumors are out in full force.  It's so sad to see people losing their jobs.  I experienced that first hand last year and I can fully sympathize with these people.  I was fortunate in my situation though...I was able to go to another school and ultimately be placed back at AMS.  Just praying that my friends and I are all able to keep our jobs.
So I watched my boys play their last baseball game today...for the championship.  Sadly, they lost 5-3 but they had an awesome season.  I'm blessed with some awesome students this year, and they are some pretty talented athletes.  I've enjoyed watching them in various sports this year.
Jarrod and I are going to our first Rome Braves game of the season tomorrow night...yay!  We really got into those games last year, and it's fairly cheap entertainment.  Tomorrow is the first home game of the season and we are looking forward to a summer full of baseball games, ball park food, and a beer or two :)

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