
Monday, April 5, 2010

Surgery sucks

I realize it has been a couple months since my last post.  I've been pretty sick off and on during this time, and two weeks ago I finally got the gallbladder decided to crap out on me.  So I had it removed on Good Friday...what a way to start Spring Break!
My parents came down the night before to be with Jarrod and me at the hospital at 6:30 Friday morning.  I was nervous because it was my first surgery, but I managed to stay pretty calm through it all.  The surgery went well, but I wasn't allowed to go home until I could pee...and I couldn't!  That took forever, but I was finally released a little after 4:00 that afternoon.  I've been doing well... I took my bandages off yesterday and my incisions look good.  I'm hoping this soreness will subside enough that I can enjoy the last part of my Spring Break.
I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful weather.  It is so nice outside!!
Things I'm looking forward to:
1) Enjoying my spring break!
2) Date night with my husband to go see the movie Date Night!
3) School ending in 7 weeks!
4) Beach trip May 29- June 4!!!!  Really looking forward to putting my toes in the sand soon!

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