
Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So it is no secret that I am trying to get pregnant.  I visited a new doctor almost three weeks ago, and he has placed me on some different medications to try to kickstart my body into working correctly.  I finished round one of my meds and started round two yesterday.  I thought I had some kind of stomach virus Sunday night, but I'm starting to think that it might just be all the meds I'm on, coupled with the stress of all the upcoming stuff at work.  I feel better than I did, but I still don't feel 100% well.  I've had a bad headache every evening for the last three evenings, and I'm very moody.  Ugh...let's hope these meds work the first time and I don't have to take anymore.
In the long run...if all of this leads to a pregnancy, then it was totally worth it :)

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