
Monday, January 18, 2010

Fun Weekend!

I had a great weekend. First of all, it was great because I didn't have to work today, giving me a wonderful 3 day weekend! Friday after work I went to the outlet mall and scored a nice pair of pants from Ralph Lauren for $30...what a way to start a weekend! Then Jarrod and I went to dinner at Tokyo and had some yummy sushi in celebration of our 4 year dating anniversary. All was well until about 4am Saturday when Jarrod's sushi made a return appearance :( Fortunately, by noon he was feeling better.
Saturday evening we went to Kennesaw with our friends Stephen and Tracy. We had a great time at Joe's Crab Shack! Then we went to Borders and spent a lazy hour checking out all of the awesome books. I got a Campbell's Soup cookbook for $6! Afterward we headed back to Cartersville and had a few drinks at the Cigar Bar. I love going there but I hate the way I smell afterward! My hair reeked for the rest of the weekend!
Sunday Jarrod and I had a relaxing breakfast at Panera Bread (our favorite). Jarrod got a haircut, and then I headed to the movies with Tracy to see It's Complicated. I had already seen it, but it was just as good the second time. I would kill for Meryl Streep's house in that movie!
After a trip to Costco where I spent way too much money, Jarrod and I spent the rest of Sunday in front of the TV.
Monday morning came and Jarrod had to go to work...leaving me in bed for one more hour of sleep :) I grocery shopped, then spent the rest of the day cleaning the house and doing laundry. After a relaxing bath, I'm writing this blog and then headed to bed. It's back to work tomorrow...but thank you Lord for four day weeks!

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