
Monday, September 6, 2010

Fall is in the air...

So I take it by spells...I'll blog for awhile and then I stop for awhile.  Maybe someday soon I'll decide to either blog consistently or just quit altogether.  We'll see I guess :)
This has been an amazing weekend.  Friday night was a great night for high school football.  The weather was cooler than it has been the last few weeks.  Although AHS lost the game, they played hard.  I'm looking forward to my "lil bro" getting to play soon.
Saturday morning was absolutely beautiful.  I got up early with the intention of going to some garage sales but couldn't find any good ones.  Saturday afternoon and evening was spent watching college football.  For me, that is how you truly know that fall has arrived...when you hear the words "It's football time in TENNESSEE!!!!"
Hubby and I had a day date yesterday.  We went to Borders and Costco, had a great lunch at On The Border, then hit up Target and Petsmart.  Harley got a new pumpkin toy and a new squirrel toy...she was quite happy!
I got up early this morning and I'm glad.  While I would love to sleep in on my Monday morning off, I'm glad that I chose to get up early for some "me" time...curled up in a blanket on the couch with a cool breeze blowing through the window, with a cup of coffee and my laptop.  Good stuff :)  It's a little after 9:00 am and I have already put away some laundry and got 2 loads washed and dried.  That is an accomplishment for sure!
Hope everyone has enjoyed this beautiful Labor Day weekend!

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