
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentine's Day Weekend

Jarrod and I had a wonderful Valentine's Day...with a couple of small exceptions.  I was on Winter Break from work Friday and Monday, so on Friday I packed our things and waited for Jarrod to finish work.  Well, at lunch time he decided the truck needed new tires.  Around this same time, it started to snow...and man did it snow!  So by the time we were FINALLY ready to go to my parents house in Tennessee, it was almost 6:00 pm and the roads were not in good shape.  But thankfully, we made it to my parents house around 9:00 Friday night.  Saturday morning we were able to get to Gatlinburg around 10:30 and check into our cabin early.  It was so beautiful with all of the snow!  We had a creek running right in front of the cabin, so we had to walk down to it with the Harley dog so she could check it out :).  I had been feeling a little queasy off and on most of Saturday, but was looking forward to dinner with the hubby in town that night.  Well...that didn't go as planned.  All during dinner I felt terrible, with horrible stomach pains.  I couldn't even finish dinner...we had to leave.  It took a long time to get back to our cabin due to traffic and the fact that the cabin was almost 10 miles outside Gatlinburg.  I spent the rest of Saturday night sick and in pain.  It was awful!!!  I finally fell asleep around 3:00 am and by the time I woke up around 7:00, I felt about 80% better.  What a night!!!
Sunday was a much better day.  We went to breakfast and I was able to keep down some food.  We went to our favorite place in Pigeon Forge...the Book Warehouse...and spent an hour searching through all the great books.  We then headed back to Gatlinburg and spent the rest of the morning walking around.  We got some great buffalo jerky at The Jerky Store, I got some ice cream at Ben & Jerry's, and Jarrod bought some cards at a magic shop. 
We spent the rest of the day at our cabin.  We sat in the hot tub, napped, watched TV, read, and played pool.  Jarrod grilled hamburgers in the snow!  After dinner we sat in the hot tub again, then came in to sit by the fire before bedtime.
It began snowing early Monday morning, and since we were nervous about the roads, we headed home around 7:45 that morning.  Other than the horrible sickness, we had a wonderful, relaxing weekend...just us and our Harley dog :)

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