
Thursday, July 9, 2009


So, I am having trouble sleeping. Seriously, my sleep schedule is all outta wack. On Tuesday I stayed up until 3:00 am reading Pearmama's blog. I had just discovered it and I could not stop reading. I fell asleep around 3:30 and woke up close to 11:00 am on Wednesday. Then, I took an afternoon nap. So last night I try to go to sleep around 12:30. Well guess freakin' 3:00 am I was WIDE AWAKE. Blech. So I get up and go downstairs. At 4:30 I go back upstairs into one of our guestrooms to try to sleep. At 5:00 am, my husband gets up. What?!?!? Doesn't he know what ungodly hour it is??? So naturally, I get up too, so I can go whine to him about how I cannot sleep.

Anyhoo, I of course plop myself down on the couch and resume my reading of Pearmama's blog. Around 7:00 am I finally get sleepy. I go back to bed, which is nice and toasty because my dog has yet to vacate it, and sleep. Yay. I got up at 10:37 and felt awful, because when I get up late I feel like I have wasted a day.

But alas, it is my summer vacation. I just hope I can regulate my internal clock soon, before school starts back.

Going camping tomorrow...YAY!

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