
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The End of Summer

Well, in 1 1/2 days, my summer will officially be over. I can't believe how fast the time can go. I've had a good summer. It started with a trip to Gatlinburg for Jarrod's birthday. Then, summer took a downhill turn with the loss of Jarrod's job the first week of June. We are very fortunate that he is able to work from home now as a contract engineer, and he's been getting a few leads for other jobs.
I spent some time in Tennessee with my family, which was fun. I went camping with my sister and her friend Melissa and had a blast. Jarrod and I did some camping at Carter's Lake. I saw several movies this summer too. I watched my last one yesterday...The Ugly Truth...the new Katherine Heigl movie. It was really good.
Yesterday, I also went to my new school. If you've kept up with me, you know that I was sent to a different school this year due to budget issues at my previous school. I'm not excited about this at all. The first person I met yesterday was a fellow teacher that was also there to get their classroom in order. I don't think I've ever met someone so bitter and rude before. I literally left in tears and got nothing accomplished because of this person. I'm already going into this school with people thinking that I suck and that's why they have to take me in, and then I meet Math Teacher from Hell and begin to feel like maybe I really do suck. But once I had time to calm down, I know that I do not suck as a teacher. I used to work in a school that knew that I didn't suck, and I miss that school so much. I also miss my preschool days a little bit. My life was a whole lot easier then, when the kids are still cute and love you for just sitting down to color with them.
Well, it's time to go enjoy my last few hours of summer, and continue to pray that I make it through this school year. Oh, and I will continue to pray that Jarrod gets an amazing job and I can quit this teaching thing for good.

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