
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's time to get serious...

Everytime I say "Wow, I should blog", a million other things get in the, Family Guy, those cupcakes in the kitchen, know what I mean. So, I have set a little goal for actually use this blog that I started!!!

I have discovered two amazing blogs in the last several days. The first is Bakerella. Oh Em Gee. I love this site!!! I got my Martha Stewart on the other day and made some cupcakes. Tasty. Well, they could've been better, but for my first time making any kind of cake besides the one that comes from the Betty Crocker box, I think I did alright.

The second blog I have discovered is Pearmama. Freakin' awesome. She is the funniest woman, I swear. Check it out sometime. She also has the cutest kids on the planet.

So I have 23 days until I start at South Central Middle. Doesn't it sound like I'm headed straight for the ghetto? South Central...all I need now is my gin and juice. I am way pissy at the thought of starting at yet another school. Not to brag or anything...but I'm pretty damn good at what I do, and I am the one that gets bounced out the door at good ol' AMS? That seems fair.

*sigh* I miss Gwinnett. I miss my ghetto-licious kids and my boo Jenn. I miss feeling like I actually mattered. Oh well.

Jarrod and I are going camping this weekend. Look for pics when I get back!

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