
Monday, July 13, 2009


Jarrod and I had a great weekend camping at Carter's Lake. We had never been to this lake before, and we had never been camping alone before. We always go with other people, so it was nice to just have a camping trip with us and our Harley dog.

A couple of things that sucked. One, you couldn't drive right up to the campsite. You had to park in a parking lot and then walk about 100 yards to our campsite. I know, it's not far, but when you have 3,438,093,594 different things to take with you, it gets a little old walking back and forth to the truck.

The second thing that sucked...the bathroom issue. The ones at our group of campsites were NASTY. They were just port-a-potties, absolutely disgusting. I took one look at the bugs on the toilet seat...yeah, Hell to the NO.

So, when I had to go to the bathroom, I had to get in the truck and drive about two minutes down the road to a set of normal potties. It kinds sucked to have to drive somewhere every time you had to pee, but it beat the alternative. (Except if it's 4 am, then I just used a tree).

On Saturday we decided to go swimming. The thing is, there is no easy way down to the lake. It was a steep, steep climb no matter where we decided to go. We were camping at the very end of a group of sites, so we were closest to the water. We decided to take a path down to a little point that looked like a good swimming place. Jarrod took Harley with him and I followed behind. Well, let me just say, we didn't really walk down. We more or less skidded/tumbled/fell/rolled down this hill. Jarrod fell on his butt (insert laughter here) and I scraped up my right knee, but by gosh, we made it down that hill.

We are trying to teach Harley to love the water. She doesn't. We've decided that it's the waves that scare her more than the actually water. I swam out with her, and then let her go and she would swim back to shore where Jarrod was waiting for her. We did this three times and she did so well! My doggie is such a good swimmer!

Well, I actually have things to do this week. I am attending a RTI workshop this Wednesday and Thursday. I am only going so I can see John Wight, my former assistant principal. He is presenting on Thursday. Otherwise, I would be running the opposite direction. RTI is the bane of my existence, and if you teach, you know exactly what RTI is.

My sis Kelli and her friend Melissa and I are going on a girls camping trip this weekend in Tennessee. So, after class on Thursday I am headed to TN to spend the night with the 'rents, then off to the wilderness on Friday. I'll be coming home Sunday, but with Aaron and Kelli following me. They are spending next week with Jarrod and me, and I can't wait!!

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