
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Week with Aaron and Kelli

My sister Kelli and her boyfriend Aaron just left after spending an awesome week here with us. We had such a great time. It all started Sunday evening, when Aaron proposed to Kelli at Rock City! Amazing! Her ring is gorgeous. So, they were a little late getting here Sunday night! Monday we had breakfast at Panera Bread, shopped a little, and got groceries. I cooked an awesome steak dinner for us and we just chilled the rest of the day until we went to see the new Harry Potter movie that night. It was pretty good. Tuesday we went to Atlanta. We had breakfast at IKEA and went to the bookstore at Georgia Tech (go Jackets!). Then we had lunch at The Varsity, of course. Yum! We then went to Filene's Basement and shopped, then to Target. Wednesday, we hung out at home during the day and then went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner. Afterward, it was Dave & Buster's for some fun! Between the three of us, we accumulated over 3100 tickets in about an hour! Fun!!!
On Thursday, we had to go to Checkers for lunch. Aaron absolutely loves Checkers. And I must admit, I do love their fries! Friday, Kelli and I hit some garage sales before heading to The School Box and Target for some much needed school supplies! After a great lunch at Sweet Tomatoes, we headed home to chill for the afternoon before going to El Nopal for dinner. We came home and got in the pool and had so much fun, until Aaron realized his LG Insight was still in his swim trunks...that kind of put a damper on the evening. He was understandably upset. We then had a bonfire in our backyard. Kelli and I enjoyed some rum and coke and some Mike's Hard Lemonade, while the boys enjoyed a cigar. Then, Aaron taught us this really fun card game called Shaft. We had so much fun playing cards and eating Pizza Rolls.
This morning we got up late and went to IHOP for breakfast before Aaron and Kelli had to go home. It was a great week, but I am so sad that it is over, because that means that summer, for me, is done! Preplanning starts Friday, and I am so nervous/sick/anxious/scared about it!!!!

Well, in a little while I am getting ready to go out with my hubby to The Melting Pot! YUMMY! Tomorrow is out one year anniversary, and we are celebrating! Traditionally, the first year is a paper gift, and that is exactly what he gave me. He gave me a printed e-mail receipt from his purchase of theater tickets to see Fiddler on the Roof in March 2010 at the Cobb Energy Center!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!! I LOVE Fiddler on the Roof and I can't wait to see Topol in his role as Tevye on stage! SO EXCITED!!!

Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend!

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