
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Today Jarrod and I are celebrating our 4th anniversary.  We had an amazing dinner Saturday night to officially celebrate, since we have our sweet Ben we have to celebrate when we have sitters available!  I wouldn't have it any other way...this boy has brought so much joy into our lives!
Here's a look back at our wedding day: July 26, 2008
Our yummy cake!

Jarrod and the boys - Blair, Eric, and Nick

Me and the girls - Kelli, Amy, and Jen

Husband and Wife

Leaving for Vegas!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ben at 3 months

I can't believe my little man is 3 months old!  These months are flying by!  I am sad to say that this is my last week at home with him.  He starts daycare on Monday.  I'm coming to terms with it...after having a big emotional breakdown a few weeks ago, I'm slowly getting better and accepting the fact that he has to go to daycare and I have to go back to work.  I know it's going to be hard at first, but I also know that many people put their children in daycare everyday, and I will eventually be okay with it.
Here are some pics that I got yesterday.  I'm looking forward to his 3 month pics with In-Focus Studios on Saturday!

Posing in the hat that Papaw bought for me!

Happy 3 month birthday, my sweet baby Ben!  Mommy and Daddy love you SO much!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ready to Run

On Saturday, Jarrod and I completed our first race.  We've been doing the Couch to 5K program since June.  We haven't finished the program yet, so we decided to just do a one-mile Fun Run.  Jarrod did wonderful and finished first in his age group with a time of 9:15.  I finished 2nd in my age group (and I think there were only two in my age group lol) with a time just over 12 minutes.
To some people, running a mile might not be a big deal.  I think it's a huge deal for me considering how out of shape I was, and the fact that I had a baby 3 months ago.  It was a great morning to run and we are proud of our accomplishment!
Smiling after the finish

Tired, but happy!

Proud of ourselves!

We hope to complete our first 5K in August.  We have to coordinate races around who can keep Ben.  Jarrod's parents were gracious enough to keep him all day Saturday, as we ran the race in the morning, shopped in the afternoon, and then had dinner at a wonderful restaurant to celebrate our anniversary that evening.  Our anniversary isn't until Thursday, but we had to celebrate Saturday evening while we had a babysitter!  We dined at Canoe, which is a great restaurant in Vinings and sits right on the Chattahoochee River.  Our view was spectacular!
View from our table

The hubs

Yummy key lime pie for dessert...with Happy Anniversary written in chocolate!
We had a wonderful weekend!!!