
Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It's been awhile, I know. I'm not much on keeping up with this, especially since I'm pretty sure that no one reads this. Anyway, life is pretty much sucking at the moment as far as jobs are concerned. Jarrod's contract is pretty much gone, and he's not really working right now. No work = no money. My paychecks will be smaller now that I am carrying us on insurance and we've been hit with furlough days. I know that I should be grateful that I even have a job, but sometimes it's hard to see the bright spots.
Jarrod is working on starting his own contract business. It's in the very, very, early stages, but hopefully it will be something that he can do on the side for awhile. Please pray that he gets a permanent, full-time job soon.

On to more positive things...I love fall!!! This weather has been great. I've been on fall break this week (actually, furlough days) and the weather has been gorgeous. We spent the weekend in Tennessee and attended a Halloween party hosted by my sister and future brother-in-law. It was REALLY cold! But, we had a good time. This coming weekend I hope to finally make it to the Corn Maze in Canton that Jarrod and I go to every year. It's really awesome, with bonfires and hayrides and the big corn maze. I just hope the weather cooperates.

I hope you are enjoying your fall! It will be the holiday season before we know it!