
Sunday, September 6, 2009


I haven't blogged in a while. Things have been crazy. So I started teaching at South Central Middle, and while I didn't love it, I didn't hate it either. I was starting to get settled in, learning my kids and all that, when I get called into the office and told that I am being sent back to Adairsville. What???? That's right, after uprooting me and making me move, six days into the school year I am headed back to AMS. Wow.
So I've been back at AMS for three weeks now. I'm teaching 8th grade science. I HATE science. But, it is a job, and it got me back to the school that I wanted to be in. So far I am happy, I guess. I thought everything would be great if I could just get back to AMS. Well, not so much.
If you read this, say a prayer for me. My life is really strange right now...I have a lot going for me but I still feel a little lost.
One thing I am looking forward to...the sister trip to Vegas in May. We are making some plans, and I am really excited!