
Tuesday, February 10, 2009


We are finally in our house! I don't have any pics yet, but I will soon (as soon as I dig the camera out from whatever box it is hiding in). It was quite an ordeal getting in here. We were supposed to take possession of the house Friday at 7:00 pm. Well, at 8:30 pm we finally got to start moving...ARGH! We bought this house from the nastiest, most inconsiderate people on Earth!! But, oh well.
To make things better, I got sick over the weekend...the same weekend in which we moved! Thank goodness my parents came down from Tennessee to help, and our neighbors Stephen and Tracy, and our neighbor Larry, helped us move furniture and stuff. That helped tremendously, since I felt awful!! I ended up missing two days of work as well.
Pics will be up soon! As soon as we unpack!!!