
Monday, January 19, 2009

Have you noticed?

Okay, today I will vent about a huge pet peeve of mine. Since when did it become acceptable to say "on tomorrow"? Seriously? Have you noticed that this is occurring? I began to notice it last year. At my previous school a couple of my administrators would send e-mails out using " on tomorrow". Example...I will be out of the office on tomorrow. What? Who the hell says that?

*steps off of soap box now*

Anyway, it is actually snowing here in good ol' Georgia. Don't know how long it will last, but it's pretty, and it gives me the slightest hope of NOT having school tomorrow. That would be would get me out of having to watch the inauguration with my students; my students who couldn't care less anyway.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, 2008 has come and gone. I am actually looking forward to 2009. We had a great New Year's Eve with our friends Stephen, Tracy, Sam, and Bruce. We played this hilarious Wii game...I don't remember the name but it has something to do with bunnies...anyway, it was hysterical. We rang in the new year with pink champagne, and we had an awesome time.

I am looking forward to 2009 for several reasons. Jarrod and I are ready to move into a house and I can't wait to start packing. I want to try to make the best out of the rest of this school year. It has gotten better, but I am still not 100% comfortable in my new school. I WILL lose some weight this year. I'm tired of being fat, and Jarrod is in this with me. Of course I watched The Biggest Loser marathon yesterday, which has me totally inspired (for the moment anyway).

A couple of prayer requests. My doggie Harley has surgery today to remove a cyst from her side. She's fine, just sore.
Also, one of my students was involved in some sort of accident and was badly burned. All we can find out is that he may have been airlifted to the burn center in Augusta. His name is Gus, please keep him in your prayers.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!